Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Agnieszka Pilat of Space X and Boston Dynamics inaugurated AI&EDU SGMK congress | Day 1 – Scholarship from AI art auction and postgraduate studies from „prompts” competition

Polish-American artist and writer Agnieszka Pilat, whose works redefine the interface between art and technology, SpaceX and Boston Dynamics ambasador, inaugurated the first day of the AI&EDU SGMK congress with her lecture “Man and Machine: a Love Story”. She donated one of her works to an auction, the proceeds from which will go towards establishing a scholarship for young artists.

The congress was officially opened by Prof. Fabrizio Giulimondi, acting Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School. During his welcome speech, he announced the start of the “Win the Future with SGMK” competition – a competition on AI skills, in which participants can win postgraduate studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School. Write a “prompt” for the image of Nicolaus Copernicus and win a future with SGMK – COMPETITION is now open.

Just like Futurist of the Year, the largest futurological science congress of 2024, which brought together world-class scientists and experts at SGMK to discuss the future of technology, finance and science, we have once again created a space for international and interdisciplinary debate on key areas of modern science. The theme of the AI&EDU SGMK scientific congress is artificial intelligence in science and industry of the future.

AI&EDU SGMK is held in Warsaw, providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience by leading specialists from around the world.

First day of the congress: scientists and experts on the future of AI

On the first day of the congress, the debate revolves around the impact of artificial intelligence on our future, science and various industries. Through lectures and discussions with leading experts, participants will be able to understand what changes AI brings and how best to prepare for them, the correlation between technology and art, how we should define cyber threats today, and how they will be perceived in the future. Speakers on the first day of the congress include Prof. Michael L. Brodie – professor at Harvard University, expert in AI and big data, Prof. Andrzej Dragan from the University of Warsaw, Colin W.P. Lewis, professor at UW, AGISI scientist, expert in applied AI and Krzysztof Dyki, president of ComCERT S.A., co-founder of Critical Applications, former vice president of ZUS.

Inspired by AI – SGMK invites you to the postgraduate programs of the future

SGMK’s AI&EDU Congress “Artificial Intelligence in Science and Industry of the Future” is a unique opportunity to learn about the role of AI in various industries by participating in discussions with the best minds of our time.

It’s not only the AI&EDU SGMK congress that ties Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School and AI together. We have also now opened now admissions for new postgraduate programs in the areas of security, artificial intelligence, as well communication and futurology. Students can apply now for: Cyber Security and Security of Financial and Public Institutions; Communication and Strategic Foresight, and MBA in Banking and Financial System. These programs are an opportunity to gain prestigious qualifications. Students can attend lectures given by expert practitioners from around the world. 

We invite you watch the live broadcast of the congress and to learn more about the congress details at:

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