Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Polish-Italian inter-university cooperation: agreement between SGMK and the University of Rome

The development of academic activities and scientific cooperation is envisoned by the agreement signed today at the AI&EDU SGKM congress in Warsaw between Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School and the University of Rome ‘Foro Italico’.

Driven by the desire to establish and expand cooperation and the exchange of ideas between scientists and students of both institutions, the Universities entered into an agreement on direct scientific and teaching cooperation.

„The agreement concluded today is intended to promote scientific output and stimulate national and international research. It opens up new opportunities for professors and doctoral students at SGMK, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience. It aims to build strong, sustainable and fruitful inter-university relations that will support academic development” – said Professor Fabrizio Giulimondi, Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School.

Direct scientific and teaching cooperation between the universities will serve to exchange knowledge between scientists and students of both institutions.

„SGMK can provide expert and scientific assistance to our Italian colleagues in everything that concerns Copernican disciplines. As a university, we are uniquely qualified in this area. The agreement provides an excellent opportunity for our research staff, students and doctoral students to carry out joint projects and initiatives” – emphasised Prof Giulimondi.

Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School and the University of Rome “Foro Italico” will conduct academic cooperation based on the academic and educational needs of both research centres. This may include joint research activities and publications, organisation of joint events and academic meetings, exchange of researchers, exchange of information and academic materials.

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Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School
Internationality | Interdisciplinarity | High quality of teaching

Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School (SGMK) is a new academic institution that interdisciplinary links five “Copernican” disciplines, running a doctoral school within the colleges of Toruń, Olsztyn, Lublin, Cracow and Warsaw.

SGMK provides students with direct access to the knowledge of scientists and experts from the top research centers, including many Nobel Prize winners. We educate leaders of the future, ready to face the challenges of the digital revolution, our curriculum is created and implemented by world-class specialists. Since its inception, SGMK has focused on high quality teaching, interdisciplinarity and internationality.

Rektor Szkoły Głównej Mikołaja Kopernika prof. Fabrizio Giulimondi oraz prof. Gennaro Terracciano, Prorektor Uniwersytetu Rzymskiego „Foro Italico”
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