Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Young scientist from the College of Medical Sciences at SGMK receives #Start 2024 Scholarship

Laureaci 32. edycji programu Start Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej. Fot. Magdalena Wiśniewska-Krasińska

Dr. Jakub Morze, professor at the College of Medical Sciences of the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, received the START scholarship for the most talented young scientists from the Foundation for Polish Science.

Dr. Jakub Morze was recognized by the 32nd edition of the prestigious #START scholarship program for conducting a series of meta-analyses relating to key risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases and using novel tools in the field of scientific evidence synthesis. For his achievements in the field of health sciences, he received a stipend of PLN 30,000, which he can use to continue his scientific research.

Dr. Mikolaj Handschke, Vice Dean of the College of Economics Sciences and Management at SGMK, attended the START diploma ceremony at the Royal Castle in Warsaw on behalf of the SGMK rector.

dr Mikołaj Handschke, Prodziekan Kolegium Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania SGMK i Dr Jakub Morze Kolegium Nauk Medycznych SGMK

The #START program is the oldest scholarship program in Poland for the most talented young researchers representing various fields of science. Its goal is to support and encourage their further scientific development. In this year’s competition, scholarships with a total value of PLN 3,056,000 were awarded.

The winners were chosen among the most promising Polish scientists. Dr. Jakub Morze, a researcher at the SGMK College of Medical Sciences, was selected from 641 candidates by the Foundation’s expert panel. This year’s winners of the #START scholarship program represent different scientific disciplines, with the largest number of scholarships – 30 – awarded in the fields of biology, medicine and earth sciences.

Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School
Internationality, interdisciplinarity, high quality teaching

SGMK is a new academic center that draws inspiration directly from the achievements of one of Poland’s most eminent scientists, Nicolaus Copernicus. The Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School provides students with direct access to the knowledge of scientists and specialists from the world’s leading research centers, including many Nobel Prize winners. Since its inception, SGMK has focused on high quality teaching, interdisciplinarity and internationality.

New postgraduate programs in the areas of cyber security and artificial intelligence, as well as communication and futurology

Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School is setting trends in teaching. We have just launched one of the first Polish postgraduate programs in Communications and strategic foresight and Cybersecurity and security of financial and public institutions (AI). Admissions are underway, apply now!

We are also accepting applications for the next edition of our elite MBA program “Banking and Financial System”.

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