General information:
At the College of Economic Sciences and Management in Warsaw, we offer training in the discipline of economics and finance. Our programs are developed in collaboration with the National Bank of Poland, which provides our institution with continuous mentoring and substantive support. This partnership ensures that SGMK gains access to the latest research, the most credible data, and lectures by world-renowned faculty, including those from Cambridge, Princeton, Oxford, Harvard, and NASA. Such exposure gives our doctoral candidates and students a distinct advantage.
Our College’s primary objective is to equip our graduates with the skills required for independent and credible scientific research, as well as to foster and facilitate the freedom of academic debate. Our educational program not only nurtures unique competencies but also reinforces positive character traits, preparing our doctoral candidates for proactive participation in both their professional and social lives.
We invite you to join our elite community, embodying the quintessence of the academic spirit, innovation, and international collaboration in the realm of economic sciences.
College of Economic Sciences and Management in Warsaw
General information:
The College of Astronomy and Natural Sciences in Toruń, a distinguished division of the SGMK – Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, is renowned for its unique offerings in the field of astronomy. The Toruń College stands as a beacon of scientific innovation, paving new avenues for prospective doctoral candidates.
The essence of our college is manifested not merely in the top-tier educational programs we offer, but also in our embrace of diverse content and methodologies. We adopt a bespoke mentorship model, tailored to the individual needs of every doctoral candidate, thereby fostering their research proficiencies.
In line with other colleges within the SGMK Doctoral School, we champion interdisciplinarity. However, we simultaneously underscore the distinctiveness of the astronomical domain. Our institution not only assures premier education but also stimulates collaborative research endeavors and champions inter-doctoral cooperation.
By collaborating with eminent scholars, including those from abroad, we perpetuate an ethos of intellectual knowledge transmission intrinsic to the annals of academia. Our college serves as a nexus where medieval research ideals coalesce with cutting-edge astronomical breakthroughs, crafting an unparalleled environment for the future trailblazers of this discipline.
The College of Astronomy and Natural Sciences in Toruń
General Information:
The College of Philosophy and Theology provides education within the framework of the Doctoral School, which is an integral part of the SGMK NICOLAUS COPERNICUS SUPERIOR SCHOOL, in the following disciplines: Philosophy and Theological Sciences
The doctoral curriculum we propose embodies a commitment to content diversity, methodological variety, and above all, interdisciplinarity, underscored by a personalized approach to academic mentorship. Our dedication to students in theology and philosophy extends beyond disciplinary boundaries, fostering close collaboration with sciences and embracing international perspectives. We prioritize enhancing research competencies and skills to facilitate active participation in cross-disciplinary dialogues and effective teamwork. This approach reflects our institution’s ethos of openness, as theology and philosophy engage with scientific insights and knowledge, enriching scholarly discourse. Our collaboration with the finest theological and philosophical faculties across Europe offers students the opportunity to pursue canonical recognition (within the Roman Catholic Church). Our program equips students with the tools to navigate and engage with the ethical challenges posed by these advancements in our modern world. Inspired by luminaries such as Nicolaus Copernicus, we address contemporary, complex questions surrounding topics like technology, AI, and transhumanism, fostering critical inquiry into their ethical dimensions. Our initiative to collaborate with scholars, particularly those from abroad, seeks to reignite the vibrant exchange of ideas reminiscent of medieval Europe, guided by a theological understanding that urges humans as imago Dei to explore the principles underlying Creation, resonating with our commitment to interdisciplinary exploration.
This commitment to understanding the divine plan was deeply embedded in the essence of university studies for a long time. Despite advancements in science and shifts in broader cultural paradigms, contemporary humans still face myriad questions without satisfying answers. With ever-increasing communication capabilities and exchange of views, many still struggle to pinpoint a truly worthwhile direction in life. Thus, support for studies in philosophy and theology remains invaluable, not only in terms of opening up new perspectives on the world or interpreting phenomena that touch on the mysterious. It allows for the revival, to a large extent, of the once lost but now sought-after role of a master surrounded by a community of students engaged in understanding the reality that envelops us all.
Join our unique academic community and embark with us on a journey of sincere and open scientific and interdisciplinary quest for truth and meaning.
College of Philosophy and Theology in Kraków
General information:
The Medical Sciences College provides education as part of the SGMK – Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School in the discipline of medical sciences. The College’s curriculum is based on principles of content diversity, methodological variation, interdisciplinarity, and a personalized model of scholarly mentorship.
Medical Sciences College in Olsztyn
General information:
The College of Legal Sciences offers education as a part of the SGMK – Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, in areas of legal studies. The College’s curriculum is founded on principles of content diversity, methodological variation, interdisciplinarity, and a personalized model of scholarly guidance. The education program of the College focuses on the development of research competencies and skills that support conscious participation in communicative processes, enhancing a doctoral student’s ability to function effectively within research teams.
The College’s objective is to introduce to the Polish legal communities new, highly educated individuals who have been shaped in a distinctively international academic environment, while still deeply rooted in the foundations of the European legal systems. The Lublin College of Legal Sciences will also be a space for profound exploration of what the law is and how it should be designed to truly serve humanity.
College of Legal Sciences in Lublin
Informacje ogólne:
Kolegium Astronomii i Nauk Przyrodniczych w Toruniu, będące częścią Szkoły Głównej Mikołaja Kopernika, wyróżnia się wyjątkową ofertą w dziedzinie astronomii. Toruńskie Kolegium jest symbolem naukowej innowacyjności i otwiera niespotykane dotąd możliwości dla przyszłych doktorantów.
Wartość naszego kolegium wyraża się nie tylko w najwyższej jakości programie kształcenia, ale także w otwartości na różnorodność treściową i metodyczną. Nasz model opieki naukowej jest zindywidualizowany, dostosowany do potrzeb każdego doktoranta, co wspiera rozwój ich kompetencji badawczych.
Podobnie jak inne kolegia Szkoły Doktorskiej Szkoły Głównej Mikołaja Kopernika stawiamy na interdyscyplinarność, ale jednocześnie skupiamy się na wyjątkowości dziedziny astronomii. Nasza placówka nie tylko gwarantuje najwyższy poziom kształcenia, ale również inspiruje do działania w zespołach badawczych i promuje współpracę między doktorantami.
Przyjmując do współpracy wybitnych naukowców, również z zagranicy, kontynuujemy ducha intelektualnej transmisji wiedzy, która jest nieodłącznym elementem historii nauki. Nasze kolegium jest miejscem, gdzie średniowieczne ideały badań i poszukiwań łączą się z nowoczesnymi osiągnięciami astronomii, tworząc wyjątkowe miejsce dla przyszłych liderów tej dziedziny.
Kolegium Astronomii i Nauk Przyrodniczych w Toruniu