Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Expert weekend at SGMK, NBP Academy and Copernican Academy

zajęcia na studiach MBA - budynek NBP

On October 21-22, 2023, participants of the MBA program organized by the NBP Academy, the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School and the Copernican Academy, took part in inspiring classes taught by international experts. 

Topics, issues, lecturers 

“Why do monetary policy and financial stability need good institutions?” – Birgit Niessner, Director, Economic Analysis and Research Department, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
“Indirect FDI and roundtripping FDI” – Magdolna Sass, Director, Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (Budapest)
„Major Challenges for CESEE” – Mario Holzner, Executive Director, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
“Global Business Strategy” – Christos Pitelis, Head of the Department of International Business and Professor of International Business and Sustainable Competitiveness, University of Leeds
“Monetary policy: New challenges in an era of large shocks” – Fabrizio Coricelli, Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics- Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
“Completing a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union” – Iain Begg, Professional Research Fellow at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science
“Payment system – payment systems and post-trade infrastructure of financial markets”. – Paweł Sobolewski, director of the Payment System Department at the National Bank of Poland, member of the Supervisory Board of KDPW_CCP S.A., author of publications on financial markets
“Payment system – payment instruments, cash and non-cash payments” – Robert Klepacz, deputy director of the Payment System Department at the National Bank of Poland 


Lecturers’ Profiles  

Iain Begg – Professor, European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science
Iain Begg is a Professorial Research Fellow at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science. His main research work focuses on the political economy of European integration and EU economic governance. He has directed and participated in a series of research projects on different facets of EU policy and is currently leading a research project on the future of the EU budget. Earlier in 2023, he published a short book in the Cambridge University Press series Elements in the Economics of European Integration, entitled “Completing a genuine economic and monetary union”, and co-authored a paper “Five countries, five models: a comparison of fiscal frameworks”. He has served as a specialist advisor to the House of Lords European Committee for inquiries into EU economic governance, and is a regular commentator in the media on EU policy issues, Brexit and EU-UK relations. 

Fabrizio Coricelli – Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Fabrizio Coricelli is Professor Emeritus at the Paris School of Economics, Professor at the University of Siena and a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London.
He has worked as Director of Research at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (2007-2008), Economic Adviser at the European Commission (2001-2002), Senior Economist at the World Bank (1989-1993), and Economist at the International Monetary Fund (1987-1989).
His research and professional activity concentrates on international economics and political integration, with special focus on the European Union and on transition countries. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. 

Mario Holzner – Executive Director at Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies
Mario Holzner is the Executive Director at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW). He is also coordinating economic policy development and communication with a focus on European economic policy.He has recently worked on issues of infrastructure investment in greater Europe, proposing a European Silk Road.
He obtained his PhD in economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in 2005. At present, he is also a PhD student in history at the University of Vienna. Mario Holzner is a 2023 DG GROW Fellow. 

Birgit Niessner – Director, Economic Analysis and Research Department Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Since October 2021, Birgit Niessner has been the Director of the OeNB’s Economic Analysis and Research Department. Before that, from 2007 to 2021, she held various positions in risk management and research at Erste Group and Raiffeisen Bank International. During that period, Birgit Niessner was also on a six-month secondment as Senior Economist at the EIB’s Research Department. Birgit Niessner holds a PhD in Economics from Vienna University of Economics and Business, a Master’s degree in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and a Master’s degree in Social Anthropology from the University of Vienna. 

Christos Pitelis – Head of the Department of International Business, Professor of International Business and Sustainable Competitiveness, University of Leeds
Professor Chris Pitelis is the Head of the Department of International Business and Professor of International Business and Sustainable Competitiveness at the University of Leeds. He is also a Life Fellow of Queens’ College, University of Cambridge and a Fellow of the Academy of International Business. He has served as the Head (Dean) of Brunel Business School, Brunel University London; Dean of the College of Business, Abu Dhabi University; Director of the Centre for International Business and Management (CIBAM), University of Cambridge; President of the Hellenic Organization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises; Head of the Strategy and International Management group at Bath University; and Director of Studies in the Economics, the Management Studies and the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos at Queens’ College, Cambridge.  Prof. Pitelis is a literary executor of the collected papers of Edith Penrose, a Co-Editor of the Cambridge Journal of Economics and Contributions to Political Economy, a member of the Cambridge Political Economy Society and an Editor of the European Management Review. He has published and edited several books; he has published in journals such as Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, The Leadership Quarterly, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Business History Review, Regional Studies, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Industrial and Corporate Change, Cambridge Journal of Economics, and others.  Professor Pitelis has served at the editorial boards of Organization Science and Organization Studies.  He has presented papers and served as Chair, panellist and organizer in leading academic conferences in economics and business and has been frequently invited as a speaker by academic, international, and national organizations and governments, as well as professional and accreditation bodies such as CABS, the AACSB and the EFMD. He has coordinated projects and designed policies for international organizations, national governments and regions, NGOs and businesses and has taught, consulted, and trained students, business leaders and policy makers. He was International Expert of the European Commission Networking for Innovation (NETWIN) program on innovation clusters and consultant for ECLAC, UNCTAD, USAID and the Commonwealth Secretariat. Chris has held visiting and other positions at the University of California Berkeley, MIT, China-Europe Management Institute, Copenhagen Business School, NK University of Athens, University of Nottingham, University of St Andrews, University of St Petersburg, University of Utrecht and University of Technology Sydney. 

Magdolna Sass – Director, Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies (Budapest)
Magdolna Sass has been the Director of the CERS Institute of World Economics since April 2020. Her research fields include: international economics and business, global value chains, foreign trade, foreign direct investments and related policies in (former) transition economies, outward foreign direct investments and emerging multinationals in Hungary and in the Visegrad countries.   She obtained her PhD in economics in 1998. She has worked for the CERS Institute of Economics and for the OECD. Magdolna Sass has written more than 250 research papers, including articles published in Europe-Asia Studies, Post-Communist Economies and Eastern European Economics. 

Robert Klepacz – deputy director of the Payment System Department at the National Bank of Poland. Economist, graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and Polish-Dutch postgraduate studies in European integration, organized by Warsaw University and Maastricht University. In his professional work, he deals with the issues of policy and development of payment systems, legal regulations, analysis and research on the functioning of payment systems, payment services, payment card market and innovative payment instruments. He participated in legislative work on laws regulating the functioning of the payment services market, including the Payment Services Act. 

Paweł Sobolewski – Director of the Payment System Department at the National Bank of Poland, member of the Supervisory Board of KDPW_CCP S.A., author of publications on financial markets. At the NBP he currently supervises tasks related to the functioning and development of the Polish payment system and the conduct of interbank settlements. 

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