Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Invitation for elementary and secondary school teachers: Focus Group Interview in WARSAW

Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School in Warsaw invites teachers of adolescents aged 13-19 to participate in a focus group interview (FGI), organized as part of the project “Suicidology – state of knowledge analysis and educational campaign.” 

The purpose of the survey is to gather the opinions and experiences of teachers on the issue of suicide among young people. The results of the interviews will be used to develop a comprehensive educational program and prevention strategies to support both teachers and students in countering emotional crises. 

The project “Suicidology – state of knowledge analysis and educational campaign” aims to study the level of public awareness of suicide among children and adolescents and develop effective support tools. The project, funded by the Ministry of Science, involves extensive research, including group interviews with representatives of different communities, such as teachers, students and doctors. The data collected will be used to develop educational materials to raise public awareness and prevent tragedies among youth.  

What do we offer the study participants? 

  • Participation in a professional group interview (FGI) moderated by researchers from the Advisory Team 
  • An opportunity to deepen their knowledge in the field of suicidology 
  • A certificate of participation in the study and a salary of PLN 370 gross. 

Why participate? Your participation will help create effective psychological and pedagogical support tools that have a real impact on the emotional safety of students in Polish schools. 

Interested teachers, please apply by 04/10/2024. More details and all information on how to apply can be found on the BIP website together with the FGI invitation. ( 


“Suicidology – state of knowledge analysis and educational campaign” project, implemented by the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, is funded by the Ministry of Science. For more information and updates on the project, please visit the dedicated website:

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