Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Lost Silk Road cities discovered in Uzbek mountains

Road, high in the mountains of Uzbekistan—some of the largest ever found in its mountainous parts.

The discovery was made by the team of archaeologists led by Farhod Maksudov, director of Uzbekistan’s National Center for Archaeology, and Michael Frachetti, an archaeologist at Washington University in Saint Louis. They used drones and a remote sensing technique known as LIDAR, which uses reflected light to create three-dimensional maps of the environment.

The findings were published in the scientific journal „Nature”.


The team of researchers believes that Tugunbulak and the smaller town of Tashbulak were bustling settlements between the 8th and 11th centuries. They found that Tugunbulak covered about 120 hectares (1.2 km2), while Tashbulak covered 12-15 hectares (0.12-0.15 km2).

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