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Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

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Communications and strategic foresight 

In the age of digital revolution, communication is taking on a new face and assuming special importance. Strategic foresight is an opportunity for companies and public institutions to create a dynamic mechanism for monitoring changes and using them to their advantage. Relying on such a mechanism, the company can prepare for changes and identify upcoming opportunities or challenges faster than the competition. The future cannot be predicted, but by combining communication and strategic forecasting, we gain a tool for adapting the changing reality to our circumstances and objectives.

We invite you to apply for the Postgraduate Program at the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School
Strategic foresight supporting the implementation of the company’s/institution’s strategy is a key skill that determines its success. Global challenges and social changes motivate the use of new tools for anticipating changes, determine selection of communication channels and forms of communication. The program curriculum takes into account the constant need to supplement and confront knowledge with changing realities and emerging trends.

Graduate profile   
Graduates of the “Communications and strategic foresight” postgraduate program are experts in future social and technological trends and their impact on communications. They possess the analytical skills to forecast changes and adjust communication strategies. They are innovators in solving strategic problems and leaders in discussions about the future of communication. Their versatile skills and interdisciplinary approach enable them to work effectively with diverse teams and clients, communicating complex concepts in an accessible manner. 

Mode of study:
In-person and e-learning (lectures, exercises, specialized workshops, case studies) 

Language of instruction:

Cost: 6 000 PLN

  • Annual payment: 5 400 PLN* (discount: 10% (600 PLN): for one-off payment of tuition fees before the beginning of classes [year in advance])
  • Semester payment: 2 instalments of 3 000 PLN each
  • Payment in instalments: 8 instalments of 750 PLN each

registration fee: 85 PLN
➞ go to Admissions

Duration of study:   
2 semesters

SGMK is a new public academic institution providing students with direct access to knowledge and experience of scientists and specialists from the best research centers in Poland and around the world (M.I.T., Oxford University, Stanford University, Princeton University, Harvard University, La Sapienzia), including many Nobel Prize winners. With the participation of these world-class experts, we develop and implement our curriculum that realizes the basic principles of SGMK: quality, interdisciplinarity and internationality.

Participants in the SGMK programs can expect a comprehensive, up-to-date education, conducted at the highest level by the best domestic and foreign specialists. 

PROF. DIDIER QUELOZ – astronomer, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, professor at the University of Cambridge and ETH Zurich;

PROF. PAUL KRUGMAN – economist, Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics (2008), creator of new economic geography and new trade theory, professor at CUNY and emeritus at Princeton University;

PROF. WILLIAM E. MOERNER – Harry S. Mosher Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Applied Physics at Stanford University, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2014);

PROF. JOACHIM FRANK – biologist, Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry (2017), professor at Columbia University;

PROF. MICHEL MAYOR – astronomer, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics;

PROF. JAMES E.B. PEEBLES – astronomer, Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics;

PROF. BARRY BARISH – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics;

PROF. ARTHUR B. MC DONALD – Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics (2015), affiliated with Princeton University, CERN Laboratory in Geneva, Oxford University, and Los Alamos. He heads the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory particle physics underground research laboratory. His research focuses on particle physics;

PROF. TORY K. BAUCUM – professor at George Mason University, Fairfax;

PROF. NIGEL BIGGAR – professor at the University of Oxford, specializing in Christian ethics;

PROF. MARIANO BIZZARRI – professor at the University of “La Sapienza” in Rome, conducting scientific research in the fields of experimental medicine, biomedicine, and space medicine;

REV. PROF. PAWEŁ BORTKIEWICZ – professor of theological sciences specializing in moral theology;

PROF. CONOR CASEY – professor of constitutional law at the University of Liverpool, also affiliated with Yale Law School;

PROF. GIANFRANCO DE ZOTTI – professor of physics at the University of Padua and Director of the Padua Astronomical Observatory. Member of ESA and NASA Goddard Center in Washington and European South Laboratory in Garching;

PROF. ADAM DZIKI – professor at the Military Medical Academy in Łódź, a surgeon of international scientific repute, member of many international medical organizations. Chairman of the Medical Sciences Team of the Council of Scientific Excellence;

PROF. GEORGE EFSTATHIOU – professor of astrophysics at the University of Cambridge and the first director of the Kavli Institute for Cosmology. Discoverer of many significant phenomena related to the origins of the universe, pioneer in computer simulations of cosmic structure formation, involved in dark energy research;

DR. BERNARDO ESTRADA – University of de la Sabana in Bogotá, previously affiliated for many years with the Pontifical University of Santa Croce in Rome;

DR. HAB. SŁAWOMIR GAWROŃSKI EMBA, PROF. WSIIZ – expert of the National Center for Research and Development; expert of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Ministry of Development, and regional operational programs;

GEN. BRONI PROF. DR. HAB. N. MED. GRZEGORZ GIELERAK – Director of the Military Medical Institute – National Research Institute. National Defense Consultant in the field of medicine – internal diseases;

PROF. FABRIZIO GIULIMONDI – professor of administrative law and comparative constitutional law at the University of “La Sapienza” in Rome. He is a member of international research teams. Engaged in activities of private and public institutions, author of over 100 scientific publications. Dean of the College of Legal Sciences SGMK and acting Rector of SGMK since 2024;

PROF. WACŁAW GUDOWSKI – professor of Reactor Physics and Neutron Physics at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, professor at the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ), advisor, Orlen Synthos Green Energy (OSGE);

PROF. MASASHI HAZUMI – University of Tokyo, Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies (KEK). Project leader of Lite BIRD at the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA);

PROF. ROBERT HOLZMANN – economist, president of Oesterreichische Nationalbank and member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (since 2019), also a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (since 2014). He holds honorary positions at South-Western University in Economics and Finance in Chengdu, University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, and University of New South Wales in Sydney;

PROF. THOMAS J. JORDAN – Chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank. Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel and the Steering Committee of the Financial Stability Board (FSB). As President of the Swiss National Bank, he represents Switzerland in the International Monetary Fund. Chairman of the G10 Central Bank Group on Counterfeiting (CBCDG);

DR. HAB. MARTA KIGHTLEY – professor at the Warsaw School of Economics, Vice President of the NBP – First Deputy President of the NBP;

PROF. SGH ZBIGNIEW KRYSIAK – Chairman of the Program Council of the Schuman Thought Institute;

PROF. ANNA ŁABNO – lawyer, constitutionalist, professor of legal sciences, academic teacher at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Silesia in Katowice;

PROF. DR. HAB. N. MED. EWA MARCINOWSKA-SUCHOWIERSKA – member of the Health Protection Council of the National Development Council, founder of the Foundation for Children with Developmental Disorders and their Families “Step by Step”;

PROF. HANS JOACHIM MEYER – honorary doctorate from the Jagiellonian University, head of the University Department of General and Visceral Surgery at the Academic Hospital in Solingen, world authority in general surgery;

CARD. PROF. DR. HAB. GERHARD MÜLLER – honorary doctorate from UKSW, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith;

DR. MARIUS OSTROWSKI – Oxford University, European University Institute in Florence;

PROF. LEON PODKAMINER – retired researcher at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies;

PROF. MANSUR RAHNAMA-HEZAVAH – Professor of Medical Sciences; Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Head of the Department of Oral Surgery at the Medical University of Lublin; Member of the Council of Scientific Excellence and Expert of the Polish Accreditation Committee in the Medical Sciences Team. National consultant in the field of oral surgery. President of the Polish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery;

PROF. LESZEK ROSZKOWSKI – University of California, Davis, Jagiellonian University. Physicist specializing in astrophysics and particle cosmology. Within the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, he heads the international research team ASTROCEN;

DR. HAB. WAWRZYNIEC MAREK RYMKIEWICZ – philosopher, translator, and publisher. Assistant professor in the Department of the History of Polish Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Warsaw. Founder and editor-in-chief of the quarterly “Kronos.” Chairman of the Council of the Count August Cieszkowski Foundation;

PROF. DR. HAB. N. MED. ANDRZEJ RYNKIEWICZ – specialist in cardiology and internal medicine. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. President of the Polish Cardiac Society, member of many national and international research teams and medical associations;

PROF. MAREK SARNA – Polish astronomer, co-creator of the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT). Member of the governing bodies of the European South Observatory (European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere) in Garching and the European Space Agency. President of the Polish Astronomical Society. Member of the Council of the Polish Space Agency;

PROF. ADAM T. STYS – professor of medicine at the Sanford Cardiovascular Institute at Sanford School of Medicine (University of South Dakota). Renowned specialist in internal medicine and cardiology. Member of cardiological associations;

PROF. HUEY-JEN SU – affiliated with National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, where she has been heading the Department of Environmental and Public Health for years. Member of many international research teams;

PROF. MARIAN SZYMCZAK – radio astronomer, author, or co-author of many internationally recognized scientific publications. Member of the International Union of Radio Science;

REV. PROF. DR. HAB. MARCIN TKACZYK – former Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and vice-rector of the Catholic University of Lublin. Author of many significant international publications in the fields of logic, philosophy, and theology;

DR. HAB. DARIUSZ TWORZYDŁO – economist, habilitated doctor of social sciences in the discipline of media studies. Professor at the University of Warsaw, expert in economics, social research, and public relations;

PROF. ANDRZEJ UDALSKI – long-time director of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw. Participated in the realization of the Warsaw Telescope project at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Together with the OGLE group (Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment), co-discoverer of over 30 exoplanets detected by gravitational microlensing. Laureate of the Dan David Prize and member of the American National Academy of Sciences;

PROF. ADRIAN VERMEULE – worked as a professor of law at the University of Chicago Law School and then at Harvard Law School. Member of the American Academy of Arts andSciences, the American Law Institute, and the British Academy;

PROF. BOGDAN WASZAK – physicist, engineer, associate professor at the Warsaw University of Technology. He worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), NASA, and ESA;

DR. HAB. WALDEMAR WIERZBICKI – head of the Center for Pre-Columbian Studies at the University of Warsaw, professor of social sciences;

PROF. MARIUSZ WOŁOSZCZUK – professor of medicine at the Military Medical Institute in Warsaw. Specialist in cardiac surgery. Member of many international research teams and associations;

PROF. GRZEGORZ WROCHNA – professor of physical sciences. President of the Research and Development Center of the National Center for Nuclear Research. Co-creator of the European neutrino project MINOS;

DR. HAB. PIOTR ZAGÓRSKI – habilitated doctor of law, professor at the Institute of Law at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. Specialist in the field of penal law, penal procedure, international penal law, and human rights protection. Member of the Committee of Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Research Team on Human Rights Protection of the Ombudsman;

PROF. ZBIGNIEW ZALEWSKI – long-time director of the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Warsaw. Rector of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice;

PROF. LEONID ZHIGALOV – corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Director of the Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics in Irkutsk. Long-time chairman of the Scientific Council of the Baikal Astrophysical Observatory. Member of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), a member of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), and a member of the European Astronomical Society. Winner of the state award of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.

Director of postgraduate studies Communications and strategic foresight – Dr. Sławomir Gawroński.

The Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School reserves the right to postpone the start date of the course to the new academic year or the following semester in case the minimum group of candidates required to start the course is not admitted.

  • Regulations for postgraduate studies ➞ download file
  • Program of the studies ‘Communication and strategic foresight’ ➞ download file

All documents related to admissions can be found on the SGMK BIP website: [Documents in Polish – for information in English, please contact the office]

Electronic Admissions System


Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School
47a Nowogrodzka St.
00-695 Warsaw