Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

SGMK Academic Year Inauguration in the eye of the camera – watch the ceremony broadcast

inauguracja roku akademickiego w SGMK

The official inauguration of the 2023/2024 academic year at the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School was held on November 9, 2023. It was attended by university authorities, representatives of SGMK Colleges, students, members of the academic and administrative staff, as well as domestic and international guests. 

The program of the ceremony included: 

  • national anthem, 
  • welcoming of the participants, 
  • speech by Rector Dr. Piotr Turek, 
  • commemorative speeches, 
  • matriculation ceremony, 
  • Gaude Mater Polonia, 
  • speech by a representative of the student community, 
  • inaugural lecture, 
  • Gaudeamus igitur. 

Inauguration of SGMK in the media >>. 

Inauguration of the 2023/2024 academic year at SGMK. Czarnek: It’s a live tribute to Nicolaus Copernicus. 

 Inauguration of the first academic year at the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School 

Czarnek at the inauguration of the academic year at the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School 

It will train doctoral students. Czarnek: this university is a live tribute to Nicolaus Copernicus 

We will soon write about the first classes at the SGMK Colleges! 

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