Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

SGMK Patron’s Day

On February 19, representatives of the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, on behalf of Prof. Gertruda Uścińska, laid flowers at the monument to Nicolaus Copernicus, an outstanding Polish astronomer, mathematician, economist, lawyer, physician, astrologer and translator, creator of the heliocentric theory, on the 552nd anniversary of his birth. 

He stopped the Sun, moved the Earth 
Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), born in Torun to a wealthy merchant family, was a prominent astronomer, mathematician, lawyer and physician. Thanks to the support of his uncle, Bishop of Warmia Łukasz Watzenrode, he studied in Kraków, Bologna, Padua and Ferrara, among other places, where he gained knowledge of astronomy, canon law, medicine and Greek philology. 

As a Warmian canon, Copernicus tied his life to the Diocese of Warmia, where he developed the heliocentric theory, which revolutionized science and changed the perception of the universe. He was also an economist, author of a treatise on money and administrator of the chapter’s estates. He organized the defense of Olsztyn, during the war with the Teutonic Knights.  

His work “De revolutionibus orbium coelestium” became the foundation of modern astronomy. 

Who was Nicolaus Copernicus? Find out more about the great scientist: Nicolaus Copernicus – profile of the scientist 

Copernican Lectures

‘Nicolaus Copernicus and the future’

On the Revolutions

Copernicus and heliocentrism

Copernicus' observational instruments

Astronomer's instruments


The lost observatory
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