Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

SGMK Publishing

Policy of SGMK Publishing 

The mission of SGMK Publishing is to disseminate and popularize the results of research, primarily of scientists of the university, as well as people associated through co-authorship of works, joint scientific research, participation in scientific events organized by SGMK. 

The rules for qualifying publications in the SGMK Publishing are designed to ensure the highest substantive and technical quality of scientific publications. 

Authors wishing to publish should familiarize themselves with the guidelines for the publishing process and the editorial guidelines. 

SGMK Publishing applies the highest ethical standards. Before being accepted for publication, monographs and journals submitted to the publisher are reviewed for compliance with publishing ethics, integrity and scientific value of the publication. 

All monographs undergo a double “blind” review. Contact the Publisher:

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For more information in English and editorial requirements, please contact: 

“Artificial Intelligence and the Law”
We are
presenting the first scientific monograph
Artificial Intelligence and the Law, edited by Fabrizio Giulimondi and Paweł Lewandowski, published by the SGMK Publishing as part of the dedicated series Works of the College of Legal Sciences in Lublin. It constitutes a collection of articles – reworked and expanded – that were previously delivered in the form of lectures during a panel entitled Artificial Intelligence and Law, on April 9, 2024, the first day of the Futurological Congress organized by SGMK. The publication contains eight scientific articles focusing on the issues of artificial intelligence, in particular the legal aspects related to its implementation into more areas of social life and its effective functioning, the possibility of applying artificial intelligence in areas reserved for the legal profession or regulation in the area of digital security. The authors of the published articles represent six academic centers: Università degli Studi di Roma “Foro Italico”, Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw University of Technology, Police Academy in Szczytno and the Metropolitan University in Katowice.

ISBN 978-83-972529-0-5


Copernican Journal of Law (CJL) is a biannual journal published by the College of Legal Studies of the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School in Warsaw. It publishes scientific articles exclusively in English. The primary version is an electronic publication. 

The journal is devoted to studies of legal sciences; in particular, papers are published on: 

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  • History of law – the evolution of legal systems and their impact on modern legal regulation; 
  • Constitutional law – studies of constitutions and their impact on legal systems; 
  • Human rights – the protection and promotion of human rights in various legal systems; 
  • Rule of law – accountability, fair law, open government, accessible and impartial justice; 
  • Criminal law and criminology – laws relating to crime and punishment, and research into the causes of crime; 
  • Administrative law and public policy – laws on public administration and administrative procedures; 
  • Family and custody law – regulations on family relations and child custody; 
  • Labor and social security law – regulations on labor relations and insurance schemes; 
  • European Union law – EU regulations and policies and their impact on member states; 
  • Canon and denominational law – regulations on church and denominational law and church-state relations; 
  • Cyber security and law – data protection and cyber regulations; 
  • Environmental law – regulations aimed at protecting nature and combating climate change; 
  • Artificial intelligence law – regulations concerning the development and use of artificial intelligence; 
  • Intellectual property law – protection of inventions, trademarks and copyrights; 
  • Law and economics – the interaction between legal regulations and economic processes; 
  • Law and bioethics – regulation of modern medical technologies: medical decision-making, genetic and reproductive technologies, human testing, human enhancement, etc. 

Copernical Journal of Law, No. 1 (2024)

Full Issue

PDF (English)





From the Editor-in-Chief | 7
Paweł Lewandowski

PDF (English)



Does Convergence of Law and Morality Exist? Polemics of H. L. A. Hart with R. Dworkin | 9-16 
Maciej Andrzejewski 

PDF (English)

The Role of the Parliament in European Integration: Croatia’s Lessons for Ukraine | 17-38 
Khrystyna Bidonko 

PDF (English)

On the Scientific Nature of Legal Scholarship | 39-51 
Tomáš Gábriš 

PDF (English)

Financing of the Catholic Church in Slovakia under the Optics of the Basic Treaty between the Slovak Republic and the Holy See | 53-66
Róbert Gyuri, Peter Molitoris 

PDF (English)

Acquisition and Loss of the Right of Patronage according to the 1917 Code of Canon Law  | 67-75 
Ryszard Pankiewicz 

PDF (English)

The Status of Churches under Public Law in the Czech Republic and their Transition to Financial Self-Sustainability | 77-90 
Stanislav Přibyl 

PDF (English)

Artificial Intelligence within Corporate Structures: The Case of Argentina’s Simplified Joint Stock Companies | 91-114 
Carlos E. Vanney 

PDF (English)

Paweł Lewandowski (Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, Poland) – ORCiD

Vice Editor-in-Chief:
Fabrizio Giulimondi (Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, Poland) – ORCiD

Editor – Secretary of the editorial board:
María Alejandra Vanney (Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School, Poland) – ORCiD

International Advisory Board
Monika G. Bartoszewicz (UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Norway)
Carlos A. Casanova (University of Florida, USA)
Alona Dutko (Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Ukraine)
David Forte (Cleveland Public University, USA)
Dimitry Gegenava (Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University, Georgia)
Miriam Laclavíková (Trnava University in Trnava, Slovakia)
Natalia Lesko (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine)
Jary Méndez Maddaleno (University of the Isthmus, Guatemala)
Raúl Madrid (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile)
Martha Miranda Novoa (University of La Sabana, Colombia)
Stanislav Přibyl (University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic)
Gennaro Terracciano (University of Rome “Foro Italico”, Italy)
Fernando M. Toller (Austral University, Argentina)
Alejandro Torres Gutiérrez (Public University of Navarre, Spain)
Mustafa Yasan (Izmir Democracy University, Türkiye)

College of Legal Sciences 
Fryderyk Chopin St. 6 
20-026 Lublin, Poland 

María Alejandra Vanney 

Publishing rules 
Authors are invited to submit scholarly articles that are consistent with the scope and purpose of the Copernican Journal of Law. 

The text should be original, i.e. as yet unpublished in whole or even in part. The text must not be submitted for publication in another journal at the same time. 

The author should send the text for publication electronically to the College of Legal Studies of SGMK:

The text should be saved in the format of one of the common word processors: Microsoft Word (all versions) or Open Office (all versions). Formatting of the text should be kept to a minimum, according to the guidelines for authors. A copy of the submitted materials should be kept on electronic media until publication. 

Copyright: Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0. 

The editorial committee reserves the right to disqualify the submitted text for the review procedure or printing due to the Author’s failure to comply with the substantive and formal requirements. 

Along with the text, the Author is required to submit (send a scan to the College e-mail address) a statement of originality of the work (→ English version / → Polish version). The statement includes information on, among other things, the independence of the work, the contribution of other Authors, sources of funding for the work. The editorial committee thus ensures the highest degree of scientific integrity of the journal in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (→ COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics). 

The author is obligated to sign the contract (at the date indicated by the SGMK Publishing House) and send the original paper version of the contract (→ English version / → Polish version) with the GDPR clause (→ English version / → Polish version) to the address: 

SGMK Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School 
Nowogrodzka Str. 47a  
00-695 Warsaw, Poland 

The Editorial Committee does not charge any fees to Authors wishing to publish their scientific article. Therefore, it does not charge for the submission of the text for publication, the editorial and review process, the publication of the text online and in print, the number of pages, the use of color or images and photos. 

The author is responsible for the factual data contained in the submitted text. 

Along with the article – in a separate document – the author also sends the following information to the SGMK College of Legal Sciences e-mail address ( 

name; ORCID number; degree and academic title; affiliation; e-mail; postal address and telephone (for the exclusive use of the Editor).  


  • Copernican Journal of Law – Title Page > download 
  • Copernican Journal of Law – Author Guidelines > download  

Aimes and scopes 
The purpose of the journal is: 

  • to publish valuable works that contribute to the development of legal science; 
  • to raise the standards of research and scientific publication in the field of law; 
  • to stimulate international discussion of current legal problems; 
  • to foster interdisciplinary cooperation between lawyers and experts from other scientific fields; 
  • to publish innovative legal research that takes into account the latest scientific and technological discoveries; 
  • to prove a forum for debate on the legal challenges posed by new technologies; 
  • to encourage innovative legal reforms that reflect the dynamic interaction between law and scientific progress; 
  • to study the consequences of implementing technological innovations in legal systems around the world; 
  • to increase awareness of the role of law in the development of science and technology; 
  • to encourage critical analysis of the current legal framework and its adaptability to future scientific discoveries; 
  • to promote interdisciplinary cooperation between legal and scientific scholars; 
  • to create a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between lawyers and scientists; 
  • to encourage reflection on the ethical aspects of law and science; 
  • to promote transparency and integrity in scientific research; 
  • to support young scientists in their academic and research careers. 

Ethical principles 
The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) indicates to Editors, Publishers, Reviewers and Authors the ethical standards applicable to scientific publications. 

The Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (COPE) have been implemented by the Editorial Board of the Copernican Journal of Law. 

The Editorial Board of the semi-annual journal has implemented the COPE-developed: 

  • guidelines for Editors (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors) 
  • guidelines for Reviewers (COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers) 
  • guidelines for Authors (How to Handle Authorship Disputes: a Guide for New Researchers).

Copernican Journal of Law, No. 1 (2024): 
Paweł Bucoń (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland)
Lisandro Hadad (University of Rosario, Argentina)
Stanisław Kawa (Theological Institute of Saint Archbishop Joseph Bilczewski, Ukraine)
Michaela Moravčíková (Trnava University in Trnava, Slovakia)
Piotr Roszak (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland)
Manuel Tanoira (University of San Andres, Argentina) 

ISSN 3071-8473
ISSN 3071-8481 (online version)

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