Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

SGMK takes part in the Congress “3W – WATER, HYDROGEN, COAL”

Kongres 3W - prelegent DR MICHIO KAKU
SGMK takes part in the Congress “3W – WATER, HYDROGEN, COAL”

Among the distinguished congress speakers is MICHIO KAKU, professor of physical sciences, futurologist, bestselling author, one of the most recognizable personalities in the field of Einstein’s unified field theory. He specializes in predicting trends affecting business, medicine, finance and lifestyles, based on the latest scientific research.

Dr. KAKU is the co-founder of String Field Theory, the main branch of String Theory, which is currently the leading candidate for the unified “Theory of Everything”.

Read more about >> prof.

The 3W idea is a concept that brings together the competencies and needs of science, business and government to build a better, modern, sustainable future based on technologies related to water, hydrogen and elemental carbon.  The 3rd 3W Congress organized by BGK takes place on November 27-28, 2023 in Warsaw. More information about the 3W concept, program and speakers can be found HERE.

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