Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Success for a team of Polish physicists! Tachyons with a place in relativity theory

Andrzej Dragan, wykład podczas kongresu AI&EDU SGMK

“Was faster-than-light motion ever possible?” The new research of a team of Polish physicists that changes quantum physics as we know it was presented by Prof. Andrzej Dragan, Uniwersytet Warszawski and National University of Singapore at the AI&EDU SGMK scientific congress organized by Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School. The findings of the international team of researchers have just been published in the prestigious journal Physical Review D. 

 Physicists from the University of Warsaw and the University of Oxford proved that the previous approach to hypothetical particles moving at superluminal speeds (so-called tachyons) was incorrect. 

The authors of the breakthrough discovery are Prof. Andrzej Dragan, Prof. Krzysztof Turzynski, Dr. Szymon Charzynski of the UW Physics Department and Prof. Artur Ekert of the University of Oxford, as well as Jerzy Paczos, pursuing his PhD at the University of Stockholm, Kacper Debski, a PhD student at the UW Physics Department, and Szymon Cedrowski, a student at the UW Physics Department. 

We invite you to listen to Prof. Andrzej Dragan’s lecture: 


The AI&EDU SGMK Science Congress organized by the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School was held on June 13-14, in Warsaw. Just like the Futurist of the Year SGMK, the largest futurological science congress of 2024, it became an interdisciplinary space for the exchange of knowledge and experience of Polish and international experts and researchers. 

Admissions for the SGMK Doctoral School 

The Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School (SGMK) has opened admissions for doctoral programs for the 2024-2025 academic year.  

Through its academic and scientific activities SGMK interdisciplinary links five “Copernican” disciplines, running a Doctoral School within five colleges: College of Astronomy and Natural Sciences in Toruń, College of Medical Sciences in Olsztyn, College of Legal Sciences in Lublin, College of Philosophy and Theology in Cracow and College of Economic Sciences and Management in Warsaw. For more information go to: 

Cybersecurity in the face of AI and Communication and strategic foresight – directions for the future 

We invite you to apply for the interdisciplinary postgraduate programs in Communications and strategic foresight and Cybersecurity and security of financial and public institutions (AI). We are also accepting applications for the next edition of our elite MBA course Banking and financial system .  

Admissions are underway, apply now

For more information go to:

Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School 
Internationality | Interdisciplinarity | High quality teaching  

Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School (SGMK) is a new academic institution that interdisciplinary links five “Copernican” disciplines, running a doctoral school within the colleges of Toruń, Olsztyn, Lublin, Cracow and Warsaw. 

SGMK provides students with direct access to the knowledge of scientists and experts from the top research centers, including many Nobel Prize winners. We educate leaders of the future, ready to face the challenges of the digital revolution, our curriculum is created and implemented by world-class specialists. Since its inception, SGMK has focused on high quality teaching, interdisciplinarity and internationality. 

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