Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Summary of the 1st phase of “Suicidology” project

The scientific report resulting from the work on the project “Suicidology – state of knowledge analysis and educational campaign” carried out by the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School was presented at a summary conference on December 18 at the SGMK headquarters. 

The meeting was attended by SGMK Rector Prof. Gertruda Uścińska, members of the Advisory Team consisting of scientists, psychiatrists and neurologists, psychologists, sociologists, social scientists, statistics specialists and high school teachers; as well as experts, the SGMK academic community and invited guests. 

During the first project year, the Advisory Team’s task was to study the level of public awareness in selected target groups (teachers, PCPs, medical, nursing and pedagogy students) about suicide among children and adolescents. For this purpose, an anonymous questionnaire was created. In addition, focus group interviews (FGI) were conducted with groups of teachers, doctors and students. 

An in-depth sociological analysis of the phenomenon, a comprehensive analysis of scientific literature, health reports, statistics related to suicide, and an evaluation of the activities undertaken by various institutions and organizations in the field of suicide prevention were carried out. The effectiveness of various methods of suicide prevention, activities of institutions including health services, government agencies, non-governmental organizations were evaluated.  

Researchers examined available programs, community initiatives and the related effectiveness evaluation methods. Through a comprehensive analysis, a solid knowledge base was created that will be used to develop effective suicide prevention strategies and support the project’s follow-up activities. Best practices have been identified that can be implemented as part of the prevention project. 

The second phase of the project will begin next year. It will include, among other things, the development of an educational program for teachers, parents and caregivers focusing on the early recognition of the signs of suicide risk among children, the development of educational materials for children and adolescents, as well as conducting educational workshops aimed at each community group. 

We encourage you to read the scientific report “SUICIDOLOGY – STATE OF KNOWLEDGE ANALYSIS AND EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN”. 

“Suicidology” project – a multi-phase educational and research campaign  

The project “Suicidology – state of knowledge analysis and educational campaign,” implemented by the Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School in Warsaw, aims to raise awareness of the problem of suicide and prepare a wide-ranging educational campaign. The initiative involves research at various levels of society, including educational, professional and medical communities. The collected data will be used to create personalized prevention strategies aimed at supporting people in crisis, as well as preventing critical situations.   

The project is funded by the Ministry of Science. You can follow the progress of the work on the project’s dedicated website:, where we publish updates on a regular basis. 

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