Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School

Thomas Frey speaker at FOTY 2024 Congress

Dear All, We are proud to introduce Thomas Frey, the next speaker at the Futurist of The Year 2024 Science Congress.

Thomas Frey – is the world’s best-rated futurologist according to Google, a distinguished speaker and founder of the DaVinci Institute. He is IBM’s most awarded engineer. Respected author, creator and personality of “Future Like a Boss”. His keynote speeches on futuristic topics have attracted the attention of high-level officials at NASA, as well as executives from Fortune 500 companies, including AT&T, Lucent Technologies, First Data, Boeing, Capital One, Bell Canada, Visa, Ford Motor Company and Qwest, and many others.

As a member of the global circle of futurology stars, in his speeches Thomas Frey constantly pushes the boundaries of understanding, creating fascinating images of the future world. He is the author of the following predictions and statements:

  • “By 2030, the largest company on the Internet will be an education-based company we haven’t heard of yet.”
  • “Farsightedness is the most important skill of the 21st century.”
  • “By 2030, more than 10% of all global financial transactions will be conducted via Bitcoin or Bitcoin-like cryptocurrencies.”
  • “By 2030, more than 2 billion jobs will disappear.”
  • “Artificial intelligence interference in elections: balancing on a knife edge.”

Each year his speeches touch the lives of tens of thousands of people thanks to his unique style of presentations tailored specifically for each audience. In Warsaw, Thomas Frey will give a lecture entitled “Education Reimagined – A Leap into the Future”, exploring new methods of assessment and accreditation in education in the context of technological change.


For more information about the Futurist of The Year 2024 Science Congress, visit


Thomas Frey – BIO

Thomas Frey, known as the top-rated futurologist according to Google and IBM’s most awarded engineer, is the author, creator and online personality behind “Future Like A Boss,” an internationally acclaimed course full of extraordinary processes and techniques for understanding the future. Thomas has built a huge following around the world based on his ability to develop accurate visions of the future and describe upcoming opportunities. He has personally created seventeen companies and supported the growth of hundreds of others, and the understanding he conveys to his audiences is a rare combination of reality-based thinking with a clearly outlined visualization of the world ahead. Forecasting the future is of little value without an understanding of the forces driving it, the subtle nuances that can be mined, and the implications both for those directly involved in the industry and for others further along the technological food chain.

Prior to founding the DaVinci Institute, Thomas spent 15 years at IBM as an engineer and designer, receiving more than 270 awards, more than any other IBM engineer. He is also a former member of the Triple Nine Society (a high intelligence quotient community, above the 99.9th percentile).

As part of the celebrity speaker circuit, Thomas constantly pushes the boundaries of understanding, creating fascinating images of the world to come. His speeches on futuristic topics have attracted the attention of people from senior government officials to execs at Fortune 500 companies, including NASA, Disney, IBM, Federal Reserve Bank, TED, AT&T, Hewlett-Packard, Visa, Frito-Lay, Toshiba, Dow Chemical, KPMG, Siemens, Rockwell, Wired Magazine, Caterpillar, PepsiCo, Deloitte & Touche, Hunter Douglas, Amgen, Capital One, National Association of Federal Credit Unions, Korean Broadcast System, Bell Canada, American Chemical Society, Times of India, Leaders in Dubai and many others.

Thomas Frey’s statements have been quoted and discussed in thousands of articles and international publications including the New York Times, Huffington Post, Times of India, USA Today, US News and World Report, Popular Science, The Futurist Magazine, Forbes, Fast Company, World Economic Forum, Times of Israel, Mashable, Bangkok Post, National Geographics, ColoradoBiz Magazine, Rocky Mountain News and many others.

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